Mrs. Evans

Science Class: January 21-23-25

Important Dates

Fri. Jan. 17, 2025-Grade Cards go home.

Mon. Jan. 20, 2025-No school

Thurs. Jan 23, 2025-P/T Conf. 4-7 p.m.

Fri. Jan. 24, 2025-P/T Conf. 8-11 a.m.

Fri. Jan. 24-No school

Vocabulary Words

Sand Dune- is a hill of sand formed by wind erosion.

Delta- A deposit of sand and soils at the mouth of a river.

Hill- A raised area or mound of land.

Lake- A large body of water surrounded by land on all sides.

Mountain- Landform highest above sea level.

Plain- An area of level or rolling land.

River- Is a large flowing body of water that usually empties into the ocean.

Canyon- Long narrow valley with high steep sides.

Glacier- A long-lasting, slowly- moving river of ice on land.

Island- A body of land completely surrounded by water.

Moraine- is a pile of rocks and soil deposited by a glacier

Peninsula- A body of land surrounded by water on THREE sides.

Plateau- A flat raised area of land.

Upcoming Tests

Landform vocabulary Test is on Tuesday, January 21st

Math Class: January 21-23-25

Important Dates

Fri. Jan. 17, 2025-Grade Cards go home.

Mon. Jan 20, 2025 -No school

Thurs. Jan 23,2025-P/T Conf.4-7 P.M.

Fri. Jan 24, 2025-P/T Conf.8-11 A.M.

Fri. Jan. 24-No school

This Week in Math

This week in math we will continue our unit on fractions.

Don't forget bout your child's nightly math log. Multiplication is the foundation for a successful 4th grade year.

Math Homework

Needs for the classroom: Snacks

Upcoming Test: Math Test On Tues. Jan. 28th over topic 8
